This post’s topic: Joukowsky (wing, transformation, and how they are shown with equations (tried not to be very complicated)
What is a Joukowsky wing?
Basically, it is “a mapping transformation from circular to airfoil by the Joukowski transformation“
picture of a Joukowski Airfoil (wikimedia commons)
Then what is a Joukouwski Transformation?
It means “To convert a point \(ζ)\ (eq.1) in the complex plane to a point\(z)\ (eq.2) in the real plane.”
\(ζ=(ξ+ iη)\)・・・(eq.1)
This conversion can be shown with (eq.3). \(c)\ is a constant
Using this equation, the center point in the \((ζ)\)-plane will become \((ξ_0,η_0)\), and the circle passing through point \((c,0)\) is transformed to an airfoil shape in the \(z)\-plane.
The 2 variables included in the coordinates of \((ζ)\)-plane, \((ξ_0)\)represents the thickness of an airfoil, and \(η_0)\) represents the curvature.
Substitute (eq.1) and (eq.2) into (eq.3) to divide real numbers and imaginary numbers.
You’ll derive 2 equations (eq.4) and (eq.5).
The Joukowsky airfoil appears by connecting the points \((x,y)\) calculated by substituting the coordinate points on the circumference passing through the point \((c,0)\) for \((ξ,η)\) in (eq.4) and (eq.5).